11 & 12 January 2023

10am - 5pm Wed and 10am - 4pm Thurs

NEC Birmingham

11 & 12 January 2023

NEC Birmingham

* Please note these are the 2021 speakers, updated lineup coming soon

Theatre Hall 6

    • Wednesday

      Keynote Speaker: Raoul Tufnell

      Raoul Tufnell - GRIDSERVE Sustainable Energy Ltd

      Solar Electric Forecourt® - powering our transport sector from solar energy.

      11.00 - 11.30

      The seminar will present how GRIDSERVE’s mission to #deliver sustainable energy and move the needle on climate change has been realised in the delivery of its Electric Forecourt®; the new generation of a filling station. It will use a case study for the first co-located solar farm and Electric Forecourt® reviewing the project journey and need for this and broader charging infrastructure to proliferate.

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      Keynote Speaker: David O’Reilly

      David O’Reilly - Ainscough Strategic Land

      Land Promotion Agreements: Maximising your Land Value with No Risk

      11.45 - 12.15

      A Land Promotion Agreement is where a promoter takes your land through the planning system to secure permission for new development, at the promoter''s cost and risk. The seminar examines how the process works, highlighting its advantages and possible disadvantages. Where does the risk lie? And how are the rewards shared? A focused and informative insight into an effective and safe way for land owners to maximise the value of their land assets.

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      Keynote Speaker: Barry Davies

      Barry Davies - Davies & Co

      Farm to Leisure – Secure Planning Permission – Maximising Value and Avoiding the Pitfalls

      12.30 - 13.00

      Securing the Planning permission... practical case studies Planning Policy and permitted development rights negotiations with planning authority to achieve minimal restrictions As supporters and sponsors of The National Farm Attractions Network, Davies & Co. have many years of practical experience providing specialist planning and business rates advice on leisure and tourism attraction businesses

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      Keynote Speaker: Matthew Green

      Matthew Green - Green Planning Studio Limited

      Maximising your Land Use

      13.15 - 13.45

      Matthew will be setting out how Green Planning Studio can help landowners and potential landowners identify how they can maximise the planning opportunities on their sites. they can identify existing uses and show how a certificate of lawfulness can open up the potential of sites. Green Planning Studio are at the forefront of emerging case law which gives their clients exceptional opportunities not open to them from conventional planning strategies

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      Keynote Speaker: Matthew Green

      Matthew Green - Green Planning Studio Limited

      Maximising your Land Use

      13.15 - 13.45

      Matthew will be setting out how Green Planning Studio can help landowners and potential landowners identify how they can maximise the planning opportunities on their sites. they can identify existing uses and show how a certificate of lawfulness can open up the potential of sites. Green Planning Studio are at the forefront of emerging case law which gives their clients exceptional opportunities not open to them from conventional planning strategies

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      Keynote Speaker: William Tongue

      William Tongue - Berrys

      Diversification or Distraction? Choosing What’s Right for the Farming Business

      14.00 - 14.30

      New enterprises need to be complementary to the farming business to deliver successful outcomes, and therefore need to fit well in practical, financial and strategic terms. The seminar aims to help attendees who are looking to develop new economic activities within farming business and give them guidance on how to understand whether a proposal will ultimately be right for them. William will examine the need for farm businesses to diversify and the wider background issues involved in successful integration of new projects into an existing business. The seminar will draw on William’s experience both as a diversified farmer and an experienced farm consultant with a wide client base of varied agricultural businesses and will touch on whole farm economics, stakeholder objectives and assessment and selection of projects from both a practical and financial perspective. Discussion will include capital tax planning, benchmarking the existing business, understanding the needs objectives and viewpoints of the key people in the business and give some guidelines to budgetary assessment of new projects and funding criteria. Specific reference will be made to the growth and developing nature of the glamping market and how farm tourism businesses fit into the farm, along with alternative opportunities to consider.

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      Keynote Speaker: Tom Dixon & Tessa Holmes

      Tom Dixon & Tessa Holmes - Canopy & Stars

      Glamping – how much can you make and key trends to maximise results

      14.45 - 15.15

      Glamping and outdoor holidays have proven to be one of the biggest recent success stories in the tourism industry, and the trend shows no sign of slowing down. With over 10 years of experience, Canopy & Stars is the UK’s leading glamping specialist. Join us to find out why now is the time to start your glamping venture and the key trends and tactics to make your site a success.

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      Keynote Speaker: Prof Paul Thomas

      Prof Paul Thomas - Mycorrhizal Systems Ltd

      High Value Truffles: How to Cultivate Them on Your Land

      15.30 - 16.00

      You’ll learn what truffles are, how much they’re worth and the conditions needed to cultivate them. Prof Paul Thomas will discuss all aspects of the truffle business including technical requirements, set-up costs and grant availability, as well as expected yields, income and product distribution. This seminar will be of interest to anyone looking to diversify their land and grow truffle trees as an investment or just for fun.

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